Amanda: "I dunno, gimme a sec... fuck!" salt & pepper sautéed asparagus with lemon, in a parsley-blackberry dipping sauce
Dave & Anya: "wet fungus" steamed kale & spinach salad with garlic, portobello mushrooms, apples, basil, pumpkin seeds and almonds
Jen: "I cuss, you cuss" asparagus & oyster mushroom with applewood smoked salt & roasted garlic cream cheese in a filo pastry tart
Adriana "I ♥ ur sw33t yamz" sweet potato & yam baked with soy cheese, caramelized apples, cardamom, and green olives
Yaara: "broccoli squish with pink stuff on top" broccoli-tahini cheesy casserole with strawberry gravy
Jeff D: "hummingbird's breast & chrochrownds" grits with sweet & savoury collard greens featuring shiitake & portobello mushrooms, sundried tomatoes, raisins, and onions
Veronica: "what the fuck is a chickpea?" hummus quesadilla with maple garlic black beans, roasted green pepper, and chipotle sour cream
Marina: "better than sex tarts" chocolate peanut butter filling in a gluten-free pretzel crust
Also in attendance were Jeff Z, Jesse, Krystyna, Sarah, Onur, Dan, Laryssa, and Nina.
creativity: Yaara
seconds: Jen
presentation: Amanda
overall favourite: Adriana
overall winner: Adriana
best name: (unscored category) Dave & Anya
All this stuff looks great. How do you guys come up with this? They all look delicious