Our coffee cookoff was held on the 18th of October at Blühaus. It was sparse, perhaps because not everyone likes coffee (???) but nice anyway.
Liang: "coff-fry" stir fried vegetables in coffee & soy-based sauce with sriracha garnish
Jen: "cheezuz christ" coffee porter beer cheese with smoked salted pretzel bites
Malloreigh: "aïoli drink coffee in the morning" ciabatta sandwiches with coffee-fig compote, espresso walnuts, coconut bacon, avocado, sage aïoli, & arugula
Sarah: "overnight flight" coffee panna cotta made with almond milk & cashew cream, topped with coffee shortbread
Also in attendance was Steph, who dropped her coffee cake on the way out of her apartment, in classic Steph fashion.
seconds: Jen
presentation: Liang
creativity: Liang
perceived effort: Malloreigh
coffee-ness: Sarah
overall favourite: Jen
best name: (unscored category) Jen/Malloreigh