We also decided that newcomers MUST compete on their second attendance, and that regulars should not sit out more than one cookoff in a row if it can be at avoided — in order to keep things interesting and varied, not to make people feel unwelcome or intimidated. The idea is for all of us to be trying new things, challenging ourselves, and improving our cooking skills.
Jen: "even artichokes have hearts" white bean, spinach and artichoke in a peppered spelt & coconut oil crust with a kalamata olive and gluten-free cracker garnish
Malloreigh: "flaming bag of dog poop" string-tied filo pockets filled with shiitake mushroom, red pepper, onion, and pepper leaves with a purée of red pepper, sunchoke & garlic
Amanda: "a caravan in Morocco" fig reduction & black tea-poached pears in a pastry crust with pumpkin seeds and garam masala
Nina: "full moon nut job" garlic, pistachio, & cashew* in a spelt filo pastry with a sauce of raspberry, cranberry, peach, lemon, & ginger
*Nina sacrificed votes here because she forgot about the nuts rule, and Amanda couldn't taste her entry.
Also in attendance were Jeff D, Jeff Z, Steph, Sarah, Kajin, Kevin, Katie (I think?), Kaylie (later), and perhaps someone else I'm forgetting.
seconds: Malloreigh
presentation: Malloreigh
creativity: Amanda/Nina
best crust: Jen/Amanda
overall favourite: Malloreigh
overall winner: Malloreigh
best name: (unscored category) Nina
Malloreigh's entry being plated
Amanda plating