Monday, February 18, 2013

#42: après-ski - January 2013

Our après-ski (aka hearty, soul-warming winter foods) cookoff was held on the 17th of January at Nina's cosy new home off Victoria Drive. It was a small one, but we were rather grateful to be pleasantly full instead of outrageously stuffed with rich heavy food. And we actually brought too much wine for the first time in my memory; at least one bottle didn't even get opened! (Likely this was due to the people who had cooking mishaps and had to show up with liquor instead of their intended entries.)

barley risotto
Amanda: "tree on mountain" barley risotto with butternut squash, basil, and tomato
mushroom soup
Jen: "not mush room inside" crimini and porcini mushroom soup with a roasted garlic & basil-spread crostini
harira & anadama
Sarah: "we'll always have chickpeas" lentil-chickpea stew with celery, tomato, & parsley (harira), served with a gluten-free teff/sorghum bread (anadama)
tempeh mushroom pielet
Laryssa: "tempeh mushroom pielets" smoky tempeh and mushrooms baked in a spelt crust

Also in attendance were Nina, Steph, Michael, Ash, and Malloreigh.

seconds: Amanda
presentation: Jen
creativity: Amanda
heartiness: Laryssa
overall favourite: Amanda/Jen

overall winner: Amanda/Jen

best name: (unscored category) Jen

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